string | align |
| text alignement: "centred" | "left"| "right" | "top" | "bottom" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight"
number | alpha |
| transparency value between 0.0 and 1.0
string | arrowColour |
| arrow colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format
string | backgroundColour |
| background colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format
string | backgroundImage |
| path to background image
table | bounds |
| widget bounding rect {x,y,width,height}
function | changed |
| callback function used by child widgets to be notified of changes
bool | displayArrow |
| show/hide the arrow on the right of the Menu, default is true
string | displayName |
| widget display name
bool | enabled |
| boolean flag to enable / disable the widget
string | font |
| path to TrueType font
number | fontSize |
| font size
int | height |
| widget height in pixels
bool | hierarchical |
| allows to have sub-menus. The list should define path like entries. example: entries = { "a/1", "a/2", "a/3", "b/1", "b/2", "c/3", "foo/bar/toto", "foo/bar/tata", "foo/jo/bar"}
bool | interceptsMouseClicks |
| boolean flag to toggle mouse handling on widget
table | items |
| table of item names
int | length |
| size of the menu
Mapper::Type | mapper |
| Mapper type, default is Mapper.Linear.
int | menuHeight |
| allows to override the popup menu height. Mostly useful for special cases like having a big Menu on screen, but a standard drop-down list
float | minimumHorizontalScale |
| specifies the minimum amount that the font can be squashed horizontally before it starts using ellipsis. 0 for a default value. 1 for no stretching
string | name |
| widget name
string | outlineColour |
| outline colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format
int | paramId |
| paramter id
bool | persistent |
| flag to tell if the widget values should be serialized when saving. True by default. Persistent widgets will call their changed function on reload
string | popupBackgroundColour |
| Popup menu background colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format.
string | popupFont |
| path to TrueType font for the popup menu
string | popupHighlightedBackgroundColour |
| Popup menu highlighted background colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format.
string | popupHighlightedTextColour |
| Popup menu highlighted text colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format.
string | popupTextColour |
| Popup menu text colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format.
table | position |
| widget position {x,y}
int | selected |
| selected index
string | selectedText |
| selected text
bool | showLabel |
| show widgets label if any
table | size |
| widget size {width, height}
string | text |
| selected text
string | textColour |
| text colour: colour string that defines the desired colour. It can be either a named colour like "blue" or "red" or an hexadecimal string in RGB ("#FF00CC") or ARGB ("#3C00FECD") format
string | tooltip |
| widget tooltip, default is name
Unit::Type | unit |
| Unit type, default is Unit.Generic.
int | value |
| selected index
bool | visible |
| boolean flag to toggle widget visibility
int | width |
| widget width in pixels
int | x |
| x position in pixels
int | y |
| y position in pixels
Menu widget.
creates a menu widget on the user inteface.
m =
"menu", {
m.changed = function(self)
- Examples:
- Chorder.lua, monoBassLine.lua, and quarterTone.lua.